Solution Videos

Set of data insights underlying the importance and need to leverage IT, across all industries, in order to meet the evolving demands and aspirations of the human race.

Ecommerce and Cloud ERP Integration

Explore how we integrated multiple E-commerce sites with a cloud-based ERP solution, enhancing our client's supply chain with customized business process automation for the distribution industry.

EMR for Mental Health Professionals

Discover how we developed a HIPAA-compliant billing and practice management tool that integrates with an EMR system, specifically designed to meet the needs of mental health professionals.

Voice enabled Order Management

Discover how we developed a Voice Order Platform for a leading E-commerce company, addressing challenges of remote access and slow internet to enhance market presence and improve customer order management.

Sensor Technology for Healthcare

Learn how Mindfire developed an application for the healthcare providers to continuously monitor patient's vitals with intuitive graphs to analyze patient's data.

Application to Assist Elderly Care

Check how we developed software to aid family care-giving for the elderly, enhancing communication and coordination despite physical distances.

Business Performance Dashboard

Find how we developed a dashboard to track and forecast performance trends for 2000+ global franchise stores of an experienced automotive care company.