Television Show Builder

Executive Summary

This system is based on building shows before they are aired live on television. It is used by the Live Television Shopping Network which runs live shows 24 hours a day, every day.  Initially the show is scheduled to air live on Television on a particular date and time. The show items, hosts and guests are decided by the planner. Once the show is planned for a date and time, it is sent to the run up system, where Supervising Producers and Associate Producers are assigned to the show to produce it. The producers do the modifications to the running sequence of the show segments. They also verify and add the required supports (B-Roll, Graphics, Audio, Stills, active/passive elements, etc.) for the show.  Once all the necessary digital/support items are gathered, the show is hand over to a Live Show Producer. The show runs live on television after reviewed by the Live Producer.

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Media Entertainment Company




Filemaker SDK