Stutter Management
Executive Summary
The client for this project is committed towards a global health cause – that of helping affected people across the world combat and overcome the issue of stuttering. In order to bring this to effect, they have undertaken a unique approach of getting speech pathologists and clinical psychologists to collaborate, and device solutions that offer a unique blend of learnings and expertise from both these fields. Having received significant encouragement and impetus for the government, the client is focused on performing deep research in this field. The rigor put in is remarkable and intersects many disciplines. All this is being done with a single intent: to understand the disorder better, and device new types of
therapies to combat it.
Mindfire Solutions was approached to develop an application that would enable them to further one of their online treatment programs. Generally, there is always a learning curve that comes with executing any Health IT project. Executing one of this nature, that involved infusing the learnings of many researches and having a target audience as widespread, had its own set of revelations and challenges for
the team.
About our Client
Client Description: Confidential
Client Location: Australia
Industry: Healthcare
PHP, Codeigniter, MySQL, Apache, JQuery, HTML5 Audio/Video, Speech-to-Text Google Cloud API