Executive Summary
The client for this project wanted to develop apps which would allow its users to draw the benefits of engaging with communities of athletes, trainers and fitness enthusiasts. Targeted at the sports and fitness audience, the intention was to bring about an innovative and comprehensive way to offer people solutions which are easy to get, yet high on quality and effectiveness. The programs, comprising of videos and images, are created by experts and enable users to either learn new sports or improve their degrees of proficiency in the chosen ones.
The workout programs are organized by levels, weeks and days to enable users to progressively head towards their goals. A wide range of sports are covered through these apps.Some are generic, some niche and some very specific in nature. Few examples in each of the categories are as follows:
- Generic: Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer
- Niche: Muay Thai, Military Special force fitness, Cardio Kick boxing
- Specific : Boot Camp workouts, Pilates exercises, Leg muscles workout.
About our Client
iOS : iOS ( version 7.0 & above), Xcode 6.1.
Android : Android SDK (Android version 3.0 to Android version 4.4, API level 11 to API level 19), Android Development Tools v24.0.2, Android Studio, Maven, Gradle