Executive Summary
How would you feel if your company runs into a loss due to improper management of resource? How would a company categorize resource on the basis of their performance? Think of the complexities involved in managing companyā€™s resource. Visualizing this objective in mind, our client decided to update their existing website that will allow them to better manage their resource.
The client wanted a few modifications in their website with various new modules to be implemented to encapsulate each possible ways to better manage resources. The website had, three main parts ā€“ Administration, Master Data and AMT as proposed by the client. They had few existing issues with their website for which they were looking for solution. These were poor performance, confusing GUI, no error handling, missing warning/confirmation message prior/after updating of database and unnecessary link buttons. They were a bit skeptical about the ability and performance of Mindfire Solutions. But, after few discussions, the client could very well make out the potentiality of Mindfireā€™s techies. Mindfire Solutions delivered them with a solution in time which was far beyond their expectations.
About Our Client
Client: Software Consultant
Location: NRW, Germany
Industry: Software
Business Situation
The client had an existing website that allows them to manage their resources. This website had three main parts ā€“ Administration, Master Data and AMT. Administration is for the company administrators, Principals, CEO, and Directors etc. Here they can define the company, division and Individual level targets. Workflow Definitions list the complete hierarchy of the Institute. It also allows the company owners to view the assessment results for each and every employee in the company. The Master data module allows each employee to save information about them. They can manage personal profile settings and personal master data. AMT manages all the information Project wise like Adding a new project, View all the resources allotted a currently running project, view the project assessment, performance etc. Their website had certain issues in an existing page which were influential in poor resource management. These issues were:
– Poor performance.
– Confusing GUI.
– Missing/no error handling.
– Missing warning/confirmation message prior to or after an update in database.
– Unnecessary use of link buttons that increased post backs.
ASP.NET, C# 3.5, SQL Server 2008, JavaScript, AJAX