Project and Task Management System

Executive Summary

The Filemaker File is using SQL Server 2012 as its external Data Source which contains the tables required for this Application. The information from the SQL Server are fetched to Filemaker and used in it. Here the user is asked for his login credentials before entering to the Application.

After Logging in, the User is taken to TASK DASHBOARD which shows all the Tasks which are open within a particular Date Range. The User can change that Date Range and based on that particular Date Range the list of Tasks changes. This Application consists of Projects, which contains various Tasks. Each Task can have various Task Details & Task File. So, the required relationships between Project & Task & their related tables are done.

We also have Customer & Meeting & Attendee tables. Depending on those, a Meeting can attend by a List of Attendees. A meeting can be based on a Customer/Project/Task. The User can mail a particular task or a Meeting to any e-mail id with the detailed information regarding that task/meeting. Task File can contain any files like .pdf or any image/video files which are related to that Task and are helpful for understanding of the Task. Just as task, each Meeting has various Meeting Details. We are also displayed a List of all Meetings whose Event Date lies between a particular Date Range just like the Task Dashboard. There are fields like Status & Priority which displays a list of Drop-Down values from which the User selects particular value for each Project/Task/Meeting/TaskDetail.

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Filemaker SDK