Executive Summary
This application is a cloud-based solution which can be used by manufacturers, distributors and resellers for managing, distributing, and publishing their product line content, across any number of digital platforms, from one place. The users of this application are simply required to enter or upload their product list. It becomes very convenient post that to share the details across multiple platforms and partners. Through the help of widgets, apps, templates, APIs, users are given incredible control over the distribution of their product line content. With their permission, reps, resellers, and franchisees across locations can subscribe to receive the product line, and can use the available tools to publish and promote the content anywhere and everywhere. Also, every product has its own social media “Shares” and “Likes” provision for social media engagement and measurement.
About Our Client
Client Name : Confidential
Location: USA
Industry: Retail Solution Provider
Rails 3, Ruby 2.0, MongoDB, CoffeeScript, SCSS, HTML5, HAML, jQuery, AngularJs, Gems (dragonfly, devise, resque, mongoid, OmniAuth, capistrano, etc.), Amazon EC2, S3