Pilot Training Platform
Executive Summary
The client for this project specializes in the field of pilot-training. Their customers are aviation companies who use their services for training their pilots and for the renewal of their licenses. At the time of approaching Mindfire Solutions, the client was facing a serious challenge. Their existing platform was failing to keep up with the evolving expectations of the aviation companies. There was a serious threat of depletion of their existing client base, forget about acquiring new ones. The need of the hour was to modernize the training platform in terms of the adding new features and overhauling the underlying technologies that powered it. Only then was there a chance for the client to give their business that missing edge.
The platform comprises of 3 Modules:
. Super Admin Module: used by our client’s people to drive the platform . Company Admin Module.
. Company User Module: used by the Aviation companies who are the customers of our client.
About our Client
Client Description: Confidential
Client Location: USA
Industry: ELearning
Web/UI: Angular (Angular Material + Fuse Theme), HTML5, SCSS, TypeScript
Backend: ColdFusion with ColdBox framework API
Database: MS SQL Server + MySQL
Reporting: SSRS reporting
3rd-party Integration: Tumult Hype for video and interaction player + Other Angular plugis
Cloud: Azure
Cloud Database Services: Azure SQL Managed Instance