Online Statistical Sports Data System
Executive Summary
This client of ours is a sports statistical media company specializing in high school sports. They provided this high school sports statistical data through recording, display and storage of athletic events through multimedia outlets which included online viewing and mobile phone access. They had a range of products and were involved into research and development of their products. Recently, they came up with an Adobe AIR stat recorder application capable of producing box score display with the help of local programmers. They aimed at expanding their scope by developing additional recorder types and link them to an online web server. They also wanted to expand their website services.
They were looking for a company to outsource their next stage of development. These work involved inclusion of a variety of technologies like ColdFusion, MySQL, JavScript, HTML, CSS and many more which made the client very strict on selecting a development partner. They came across Mindfire and understood the benefits they would receive from our services. Finally, the development work started. Mindfire’s team of developers at first analyzed their current code base for their AIR application, ColdFusion website and mobile website and then delivered the requests made by client.
About our Client
Client Description: Statistic Provider
Client Location: USA
Industry: Industry Sports
Business Situation
After having developed an Adobe AIR stat recorder application that is capable of producing a box score display and can then be viewed on the web and mobile phones, the client was eager to expand their scope by developing additional recorder types and linking them to an online web server to view and store game stats. They were also interested in expanding their website services to include data analysis for multiple box scores and management of team information that can be sent to and used in the Adobe AIR application. The client was in search of an able outsourcing company who would understand their previous code base, match their objective and produce something that would be in sync with their existing process.
Mindfire’s technical experts worked effectively to come up with three different modules for the client that helped them meet their objective. There were a number of technologies used to develop the modules which made this project bit complex but our technical team were confident enough to handle the variety and developed the modules which have many new features embedded in it.
Adobe AIR (Flex SDK 3.4.1), SQLite, ColdFusion web service, Action Script 3, ColdFusion 9 Application Server, My SQL 5, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.