NQF Measures Dashboard
Executive Summary
The NQF Measures utility is a dashboard which displays where a Practice stands when measured up against the set of core requirements from NQF. The utility also provides necessary information to meet each individual NQF Measures’ objectives.
About our Client
Client Description: Confidential
Client Location: USA
Industry: Healthcare
Business Situation
Each clinic within the EHR needs to be parsed against each of the NQF measures. The parsing request of the clinic is stored and a confirmation mail is sent to the required email Id once the clinic is successfully parsed.
There is a windows service in the background which regularly (at certain fixed time intervals) looks at the new requests made for parsing clinics and does that one by one and stores the related DB details.
The UI (web interface) requests the web service to look into those details of clinics (which gets populated by windows service), and shows those details in an interactive way. In the UI, there’s an option to re-parse the clinic for NQF measures. Also one can download the corresponding PQRI xml file (which contains the overall summary of NQF Dashboard).
ASP.NET, C#. The UI comprises of the interactive and animated Kendo-UI charts, custom designed and applied using client side technologies (like jQuery, CSS). The UI is tightly coupled with the WCF service in background which is used to fetch data available for the clinic.