Media (TV, Radio Broadcasters) Guide or Listings Software
Executive Summary
This is a planning and scheduling media software system for TV, Radio and other channels, meant for a team of people collaborating together – planners, schedulers, and reviewers. A few primary features include scheduling and querying existing data, program or event detailing, and schedule versioning. The application views (GUI) are permissions and preferences based, and manage multiple broadcasters, channels, programs, events, group or special events. There is a web based administrator application to configure and manage the system and its characteristics. The application includes application and script interfaces (APIs) to import or export schedules – data from existing systems can be easily imported using the Import application, with little manual intervention. Server side is essentially an application server based on XML web services, with Oracle DBMS at the backend. There are multiple different interfaces included for each main component – Import, Business Logic, Export, Admin, Server notifications. Client side consists of multiple different applications – an import application, Cocoa-based end-user interface application, a scripting tool, and an admin application, with plans to implement for advertisements, images and Active Directory integration.
About our Client
Leading Planning, Process and Workflow management Software Company
Publishing Software Development
Cocoa, ASP.NET, Oracle 10.2x, C#, C++, Objective C/C++, gSOAP, Mac OS X Leopard, Windows Server, Xcode, VS.NET