Liferay – Aperte Workflow Integration

Executive Summary

The basic idea of the application is to gather information from the companies who are interested to take part in the Job Fair. It’s a kind of step-by-step form filling and validation application. After filling up the form the set of information is assigned to the administrator for checkup and validation. If accepted, the registration is successful and the data is saved in the database. If rejected, then the data is again assigned back to the User for modification.

Technically a workflow is designed to achieve the same using Aperte Workflow. Basic forms are designed in Aperte Workflow itself but lots of functionalities are developed using Vaadin custom widgets. For example,

1. Image Uploader Widget – This uploads company logo to Liferay document library.

2. Profile Contacts Widget – This widget adds multiple contact information for the particular profile.

3. Profile Job Widget – This widget adds multiple Jobs for a particular profile.

4. Save Record Widget – This widget stores all the data in the Liferay expando table.

5. Generate Report Widget – This widget generates jasper reports based on the user data input.

6. Select Assignee Widget – This widget helps the admin to assign a particular task to a user.

Here the entire Aperte Workflow is customized. Lots of new feature are added in Aperte. The entire i18n functionalities are customized. Here are few elements that are added to Aperte Wokflow,

1. Embedded Widget Element – This helps to view Image directly from process attributes.

2. Twin Column Multi-select Element – This is a multi-select widget.

3. Country Combo-box Element – This is a Combo-box to list all country names from Liferay.

Contact Aperte Workflow: This is basically a contact form for user. Here user can place any contact request to the admin. When user place a contact request, the application stores the data in an expando and trigger an email with the information to both the Admin and User. User here also gets an option to upload any file.

Survey Aperte Workflow: This is basically a Survey workflow for users. Here user can take part in a survey, but only once. When user enters the input for the survey, that data is stored in a expando. After placing the survey once, if the user opens the link again, the final preview page with all the data will be shown.

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