Jasper Reporting Solution

Executive Summary

Worked on three reports such as MarketBasket Cross-Sell Analysis, Weekly Sales Analysis and SalesTrend. These three reports visualize sales related metrics. Market Basket Cross-Sell Analysis: How the sales of the base item is in baskets and what is the sales of other items in those baskets (whether cross-sell items or other items). Here basket refer to store. Also user can have option to switch between different time scales Daily/Monthly/Yearly basis.

Weekly Sales Analysis: Here the idea is to show what sales data available for the selected period (from both years i.e. current selection and previous year) and do the matching between the 2 years, comparing with week number & week day combination.

SalesTrend: The idea is exactly the same as in cross-sell report. Here user can change the dimension to be used against which selected metric like SalesMargin, Waste, Sales and NetMargin etc. is compared.

We have used Java to handle the core logic section and pass the result back to report. Also done some jFreeChart customizations like dynamically handle the time series based on date range parameter entered etc. Installed new font for this report as per client requirement.

About our Client

Retail Company




Jasper Report