Interview Assist Application

Executive Summary

It is window’s application implemented using WPF C# language. Purpose of this website is to create new interview sessions. After the complete interview session user can get back from client application and save their data to the database. Project contain following features:-

-Manages the interviewee.

-Manages the claim number.

-Manages the interview

-Sends the new interview session to the client application using mail and drop box.

-Creates the zip folder that is password protected.

-Manages the interview details that is get back from client application.

-Imports the full interview session’s data.

-Views the finished interview.

-Gets update from super admin data.(Question, Claim type and Sub category)

-Manages the ad-hoc question.

-Starts terms and condition page.

-Views the finished interview question and images.

-Plays on interview recording.

-Imports to pdf/copy interview Questions, photo and recording.

Super Admin Application

Description:- It is window’s application implemented using WPF C# language. Purpose of this application is to create Question claim type and sub category and saves it to MYSQL server. Project contain following features:

– Manages the Claim type.

Manages the SubCategory

Manages the Questions

Starts terms and conditions page.

About our Client

IT Company




iOS 7.0 Android (2.3.3 and above, using ADT + Eclipse)