Internal Trace Mobile System

Executive Summary

This is a single file database solution designed for FileMaker Go and it is intended to be used in iPad. The goal of this project is to let the user enter and save the data while on the go. At the end of the day the user needs to synchronize the data with the desktop version of this solution using GoZync.

Here the user is an inspector who goes from house-to-house for inspection. The user inspects the various modules of the house such as Fire Alarm Systems, Portable Equipment Systems, Emergency Lighting Systems and Sprinklers. The user can turn off the three modules i.e. “Dry Sprinklers”, “Wet Sprinklers” and “Pumps and Other”. The rest of the modules are compulsory.

When the user logs-in, a list is shown with the different inspection details such as address of the building and date of inspection etc. After clicking on any inspection, the user is taken to the “Inspection Header” layout where the user can turn-off or on the three module which are not compulsory. Also, after completion of the inspection of any module, the user can come back to this layout and check the check-box associated with that module which shows that the inspection is complete for that module. There is a Navigation bar on the left-hand side of every layout (after selecting one inspection) which allows the user to navigate between the different modules or sub-modules. The user can click on the “Inspection Queue” from the navigation bar to go back to the list of inspections from where he/she can choose any inspection assigned to him/her.

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Software Services




Filemaker SDK