Furniture iPad application

Executive Summary

This is a prototype developed in FileMaker 12 for a demo purpose which is being used by iPad users using FileMaker Go 12. This application is designed completely for iPads, it has iOS style look and feel. The application has a gallery screen which shows the dynamic list view of thumbnails of the product images 6 thumbnails per row. The number of rows in this gallery grows as the number of product images added to the database. It has the ability to sort the gallery view by a selected category. Tapping on a thumbnail will show a full view of the image and tapping again on the full view image will show the detail view of the product. In product detail view it shows a medium size image of the product, product detail information and the product pricing in a spreadsheet like view. In the product full view and detail info view screens it has several icons in a customer designed menu bar. It has a List View’ menu icon that pulls down a quick view product list with thumbnails, the menu provides ability to search a product in the list by typing on a search box. It searches the list as soon as the user types in. The menu lists are shown using FileMaker portal with zero scrollbar. The user can finger tap on the list and move the finger up/down to scroll through the list. The system is developed for multiuser environment. The application layouts are designed such that it gives a look and feel of iOS application with taking the application performance into account. The layouts are designed to fit properly into the horizontal and vertical orientations of iPad.

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Filemaker SDK