Customized Assessment Tracking Application

Executive Summary

User can login to application from this page by providing mailing address and password used for training application. In training application, users are granted permission to login to weekly assessment application. After login, users are redirected to weekly assessment page.

Administrator, supervisor and employee can access this page. Administrator can choose assessment year and employee to view assessments. Supervisor and user can view their assessments only. By default, current week will be editable. Administrator can make any week editable for a year for a user by clicking on editable check box. Users can edit current week and editable week on this page. ´Add new week’ link will add a new week for the year.

Administrator, supervisor can export report for a year for a user in both pdf and excel format.

Employee can export own report for a year. Administrator and supervisor can export report for a year (July to Jun) for an activity option in both pdf and excel format. Administrator and supervisor can export activity report for a duration in excel format. Administrator and employee can export report for a week ending both in pdf and excel format. Clicking on right top logout link will abandon the session and redirect to login page. User can edit weekly assessment for a week ending on this page. User can edit summary fields. User can add/edit/delete activity on day basis, choose activity options and activity option items for an activity on this page. User can read instructions at bottom section while editing weekly assessment.

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IT Company




ASP.Net, AJAX, jQuery, MS SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio .Net 2010