Custom Portal for Product and Production Flow Management

Executive Summary

Designed and developed a Product and Production flow management portal with Dynamics CRM as backend. There are two different areas in the application, Product tool and Production flow tool.

Both the tools are designed to manage the entity and the related entities in a effective way, because, the customer’s main portal which was built using the Dynamics CRM tool does not provide such a cleaner and easy interface. Moreover, the pricing calculation logic is implemented on the product tool, which is very effective in the sense that it solved a lot of headache of doing the same stuff manually in excel sheets (which they were doing previously).

The Product Management tool comprises of the following five tabs:

– Product information tab: This helps to manage the fundamental information – Quantity: Helps the user to organize the quantities of product available

– Options: Helps user to define all the properties of the product

– Option Values: Helps quantify the options or property of the product

– Pricing: Helps to calculate the price of the product based on the Quantity, certain Cost components and business logic

The Production Flow management tool is quite similar to the Product tool, however, it deals with different entities. It defines Option Values and Statuses for production. This implies that one flow can also have multiple products.

About our Client

Production Company




ASP.Net 4.0, .SQL Server, Ajax, C#