Continuity of Care Record (CCR)

Executive Summary

The Continuity of Care Record (CCR) is a core data set of patient health record (PHR) and contains the most relevant administrative, demographic, and clinical information facts about a patient’s healthcare, covering one or more healthcare encounters. It provides a means for one healthcare practitioner, system, or setting to aggregate all of the pertinent data about a patient and forward it to another practitioner, system, or setting to support the continuity of care.

Various Features:

1.CCR Content

a. The CCR data set includes a summary of the patient’s health status (for example, problems, medications, allergies) and basic information about insurance, advance directives, care documentation, and the patient’s care plan.

b. It also includes identifying information and the purpose of the CCR.

2.CCR Creation

a. CCR schema is converted in to classes in C# using Altova XMLSpy.

b. The application takes the dataset containing the data for a patient and creates XML using the classes created for CCR schema

3.CCR Display

a. CCR XML format, which the user can view and download and store on his/her computer.

b. CCR HTML Format (XML + Style Sheet) which the user can view as a web page

c. CCR in PDF format (generated from HTML format) which the user can email a physician or store on his/her computer for reference

d. The application also has the ability to store the XML CCR in a Smart Card and read a CCR from the Smart Card.

About our Client

HealthCare Company




ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server 2005, XML, Smart Card, XMLSpy