ACS - Advanced Uploader

Executive Summary

Advanced Uploader is an EPUB / PDF genuine e-book uploader for Adobe Content Server (ACS). Advanced Uploader and ACS services needs three files for each e-book, one EPUB / PDF file, one information XML file and another JPG file. The user of the application needs to browse the folder with the source e-books (ie EPUBs / PDFs , XMLs, JPGs). Features of the applications are listed below:

Indicates if any EPUB / PDF or XML or JPG files are missing for a particular item. Functionality to generate missing XMLs in the selected directory automatically.

Generate thumbnails of three different sizes (ie small, medium and large) automatically from the available JPG. ( Application has the ability to handle both CMYK & RGB images. ImageMagick is used for this feature.)

Ability to upload hundreds of e-books at a time.

Feature to transfer all recently uploaded e-books to different distributors with LOAN rights.

List all items available in ACS in a custom table grid with Transfer (with LOAN rights) feature.

Feature to update LOAN rights of all items under all distributors at one go. It also has the functionality to update LOAN rights to of all items under a particular distributor.

Functionality to export All items XML for each distributor.

Feature to replace any existing e-book on ACS.

Settings and Configuration options for custom server settings.

About our Client

Publishing Company



