The new technologies and emerging trends often transform the way software applications are developed, tested, and deployed. At present, consumers spend more digital time on mobile apps that mobile websites. But many analysts believe that chatbots have the potential to make mobile apps obsolete in near future. Hence, no programmer can keep software applications relevant and profitable in the long run simply by writing clean and maintainable code. Likewise, no testing professional can evaluate the new-age software applications using conventional software testing methods and tools.
The working IT professionals must know the latest technologies and monitor the changing trends to build futuristic software applications. The tech conferences make it easier for working professionals to learn and discuss a wide range of technologies and trends despite their packed work schedules. But the IT professionals working in eastern India often find it daunting to attend tech conferences regularly. Mindfire Solutions makes it easier for working professionals to hone their technical knowledge and skills by organizing the second edition of the first tech conference in Eastern India – TechBhubaneswar. Continue reading It is Time to Attend the Second Edition of TechBhubaneswar Event