Tag Archives: JavaScript Programmers

What is Redux JS?

What is Redux JS

Many web developers ask us, What is Redux JS? Redux is an open-source JavaScript library, which  makes it easier for developers to build custom user interfaces (UI) by maintaining the entire application state in a single and immutable state tree. The immutable state tree cannot be altered or manipulated directly. Each time the application state changes Redux creates a new object using specific functions. Redux takes inspiration from the functional programming language – Elm and Facebook’s application architecture for building UIs – Flux. Web application developers even have the option to integrate Redux with several widely used JavaScript frameworks. However, Redux is still different from other JavaScript libraries and model-view-controller (MVC) frameworks. Continue reading What is Redux JS?

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Full Stack JavaScript Frameworks

Full Stack JavaScript Frameworks

Many enterprises nowadays opt for full stack we application development to reduce both developments time and cost. In addition to being proficient in client-side and server-side web technologies, a full stack web developer further synchronizes the frontend and backend of a website seamlessly according to precise business requirements. Several studies suggest that JavaScript is currently the most popular programming language for full stack web development. Nowadays, JavaScript is extensively used for building large scale complex web applications. Continue reading Full Stack JavaScript Frameworks

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The 7 Most Common Mistakes JavaScript Developers Make

JavaScript Common Mistakes


At present, JavaScript is used widely by programmers for developing both web applications and mobile apps. JavaScript has been emerging as one of the preferred languages for building large scale web applications. JavaScript, along with HTML5 and CSS3, help developers to make websites accessible on both computers and mobile devices with a single code base. The full stack web developers prefer writing client-side and server-side code in JavaScript. The developers also have option to accelerate custom application development by taking advantage of various JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and development tools. Continue reading The 7 Most Common Mistakes JavaScript Developers Make

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