Software QA Engineers

QA Persona

Does designation define personality or  personality defines designation ?  Confused? Either ways you think, you are absolutely correct. Every professional in this world has some sort of personality that differentiates him/her from the crowd. The reason for this may vary, either they have made themselves to appear so or their profession demands it. In this modern IT market, software QA engineers are the demand of the growth made in this field. They need to possess most or all of the following traits to be highly successful in this field.

“WHY” factor

QA TestingI strongly believe that ‘if you have the strong sense of WHY, you can create a beautiful result. Always possess a mind of valid WHY, you should not merely accept anything served in your plate. Try always to clear your WHY card, if that is done you can come up with productive ideas and solutions. You should not pretend as if you are through to any concepts or knowledge transferred, just to leave an fair impression. You should understand that you are here to add value to the project. Ask yourself until you get familiar with every aspect of the project you are assigned with. Remember this simple WHY as the capability to unearth a whole lot of information.


QA Testing

A software QA engineer never assumes anything while performing his task. So he never make an ASS out of U and ME because that is how it is spelled. Since childhood we are used to assume some facts in order to proceed with the problems, even the world’s greatest theorems are formulated on assuming some facts. Let me figure out the things a layman assumes while filling up a simple registration page

  • Name text box should contain only alphabets
  • Mail ID should be in a proper format([email protected])
  • Fields marked with asterisk(*) are mandatory to be filled.
  • Address line should be separated by using comma or space.

A layman simply applies the common sense which is still not common to find. But just think if the application accepts invalid email ID, mandatory fields can be left blank or if the date of birth accepts future date and many more. This all can lead to troublesome situations. A product is made for the market and you cant expect that he will have the required common sense to use the product. Thus a big question mark arises for the quality of the product, you need to put yourself into various categories of user’s shoes so that you can test the product in all aspects.

Down to Earth

A software QA Engineer is supposed to be unpretentious, approachable and genuine. S/he understands that s/he is the voice of the end users. S/he is here to make the software better. There are often situations when s/he needs to go against a team of developers. If s/he stops reporting a set of bugs with a assumed notion that development team wont put an eye upon them, then it may lead to troublesome situations in a long run. So in order to deal with such situations he needs to possess strong convincing skills so that he can convince the developers and sometimes clients for the changes to be made in the project.

Eagle’s eye

QA TestingThis analogy works well with software QA engineer,he needs to possess eagle’s eye to become super star in the field of Quality Assurance. Many a times most severe bugs surpass our eyesight if we just have an overlook of a product or application and thus risking the product’s quality. As an QA engineer we need to deeply investigate the project in every aspect. We need to uncover the hidden bugs which can have an severe impact later on if it is not fixed in the initial phase of the development cycle. So he needs to be in proper sync with the development cycle so that bugs cannot be carried forward.

Strong Communication:

A software QA engineer needs to communicate with various individuals involved in software development cycle in day to day agenda. S/he is involved in communicating the bugs discovered, the enhancements required etc not only to the development team but also to the client. In his day to day curriculum he needs to prepare Test Cases, File and report bugs. So he needs to be strong in written communication. If in any situation there is a deviation from this then it may lead to Communication Gap and thus ultimately risking the product’s quality.

These are the traits which I find most important to be there in an QA engineer. S/he is supposed to wear several hats while working. S/he is the Quality manager, customer service, tech savvy user, non tech savvy user, angry user, lazy user and last but not least the quality assurance engineer. Many a times s/he has to change her/his thoughts mid-stream, and adopt a different point of view in order to get the job done properly. To most extent a company’s brand solely lies upon her/him. So, above all s/he has to work keeping in mind the company’s image.


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Do Industry Technical Certifications matter?

My first day at Mindfire and I already have an inferiority complex that all my peers, colleagues are Adobe certified. I have the experience in the same technology but not the certification. Which one is better? Or is there a better one? Or we need both? Not able to answer the question, first I decided to live in my comfort zone, with what I have and “prove myself with quality work”. But the second day again went with the same dilemma, looking at sample resumes that titled Adobe certified, in our company’s format.

Hmmm, I have the experience and knowledge, then why this hesitation of taking the examination for certifications? Well, these days when development platforms have syntax “help” and there is “Google maharaj”(Google GOD) for rescue, maybe I didn’t trust my knowledge enough and fear of not clearing the exam stood by me.I was still in two minds as I went back home, where my daughter was going to learn skating. As soon as she wore her skating shoes, she fell badly and my elder daughter said “Diya, get up! Dar ke agey jeet hai (popular advert slogan, which in English roughly means “to achieve victory, you have to defeat fear within you“) With a smile I realized this was my moment of learning from my kids, and decided to flush my fear and go for the certification. Hands-on experience certifies that I have the working knowledge to face a variety of tasks, which may or may not have training programs as prerequisites. At the same time, the certification itself would exhibit a determination and dedication to learn and improve.

A credential alone doesn’t guarantee real-world job skills, but in shortlisting and selection process, it increases the odds that the person is competent. With an ever-growing IT market, companies know competitive advantages help clinch deals and technology certified employees can be selling points. Following are some benefits of an academic credential, that I realized once I decided to take the certification and thought of sharing it with people like me who are still fighting to venture out of their comfort zone.

  • Broadens your knowledge scale: Preparing for the certification forces you to fill the gaps in your knowledge. There are some theories which you haven’t used in the actual projects and hence may not have detailed understanding of – the exam forces you to know these thoroughly.
  • Shows you the difference between your perception and reality of your knowledge. There were so many concepts that you know superficially but preparing for the certification makes them clear.
  • Earns respect of your peers: When my colleague had mentioned that he is Adobe certified, my first reaction was “Wow man!” – it makes you stand out of the crowd.

Having said this, I just don’t want to pass the exam with the easy means available, but by increasing my knowledge base. There are people who see certificates as badges to adorn on resumes – They are real assets only if you get them by working hard for them and are superficial if you have grabbed them through easier means.

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Changes In Marketing Functions Over The Years!

Changes In Marketing Over The Years
Changes In Marketing Over The Years

To build an effective marketing strategy in order to lure customers was never easy. With the introduction of Internet there was a bit of change in every company’s marketing strategy. Previously, companies used to have print ads only but, when the Internet storm barged in, many businesses started to have online presence. And, then with the surge of social networking portals, multifunctional cell phones, and gadgets, the face of marketing again took a major makeover. In order to retain existing customers and to attract new ones, companies keep them updated about  changes in marketing over the years and latest trends in marketing.

Internet and technology has not only benefited customers but also, created newer space for marketing in the virtual world. With the emergence of various other forms of marketing such as social media marketing, e-mail marketing, text/display ad marketing etc. companies have become more aggressive and innovative in building their marketing strategies to attract new customers.

Gone are the old Days!

A decade ago, creating personal relationship with customers was given utter importance to boost sales through one-to-one interaction. Consumers had to believe to what is being said. They did not bother to verify the information provided. But, the tables have turned now and the customer is full of information at the click of a finger. Study says, majority of Internet users today, tend to conduct a background research of a product before making a purchase decision. For example: what would you do first when you decide to purchase a smartphone for yourself? You will immediately jump on to the Internet and start comparing, reading reviews & feedback for a few of them before making a decision. Consumers have become more and more demanding and adventurous to try out different offerings which have eventually put greater emphasis on creating brand value.

New Age Marketing!

The gigantic online presence of consumers has revolutionized the way of advertising and marketing. An Internet user today can buy almost everything online today. Thanks to the Internet which has changed the way of trade and commerce. Businesses have started capitalizing the virtual world by forming networks which eventually allows them to get closer to their clients. New age marketing is not limited to banner ads on websites only but has extended beyond in the form of video marketing, blogging, campaigns on social networking websites, discussion forums etc. Internet has not only been a reliable source to gather information through interactions, polls and surveys but is also a great medium to keep marketers updated about consumer needs and taste. Search engines have been eminent in promoting a product/service. If you are not present in any of the search engines, it means that your business has lost reputation amongst your target audience. Different forms of Marketing help search engines to rank websites. Hence, companies are now focusing on marketing to boost sales. According to statistics; Twitter has assisted 42% companies present on its portal to bag new customers, Facebook has helped 67% B2C and 41% B2B companies to generate business, Inbound marketing will cost 62% cheaper than outbound marketing. This shows the intent for aggression among companies. Previously, companies had to rely on customer loyalty to prevail in the market. But, today if a company’s presence is not felt to customers then, possibility is more for competitors to climb over.

This post briefly describes how the face of marketing has changed over the years and how important is marketing for a business. Marketing is not limited to just bigger profit making businesses only. Rather, it has turned out to be an important weapon for every business. Every business (big or small) is marketing itself today.

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My First CRM Project Tadit Dash

My First CRM Project…

…and that too was in Spanish. It just went over my head. I was feeling like I was juggling frogs.

Looking Back…

The rigorous training I received was a great support for me. It was hard work and I got myself acquainted with the different components of Dynamics CRM within couple of weeks. I would not have been able to work on the application without the help of my teammates and my lead, who constantly guided me and inspired me. It was as if there were two dozen hands guiding me lest I go wrong. It was complete team work at work. I would like to thank all of them for their help at each and every step.

Positive Part…

Fortunately, the project was going to introduce me to almost every component of Dynamics CRM, as it was getting migrated from an older version to new. Okay fine…. I said to myself, it was difficult for me because of the foreign language, but this is the positive part, I have the opportunity to learn a great deal from this comprehensive project  and I looked forward to it.

Going on…

During the development phase, I faced many difficulties. But who is going to stop me, when I was so inspired by the words of Alan Saporta who had said: “The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it.“, was showing me the path.

And yes, as my team says I was in Dot NET domain, so, it is not going to be tough on my part, but I believe they were the only the driving force, who made it easy.

Busy, busy, busy…

Within no time, I was busy in creating the needed components one by one according to the specifications. The work was divided between two other developers including me. Oh, how I forgot our excellent QA team, who also did a marvelous job in digging the system to find all the bugs they could. We as a team completed the job and delivered it to the client, much before time, much to his surprise and delight.


Expecting some morals, right?, Here it is…

If you’re going through hell, keep going”. – Winston Churchill

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Less CSS Framework

Beginner’s Guide To LESS CSS Framework

LESS CSS framework is intended to make/design adaptive websites. The framework extends the use of CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations, nestings and functions.

Generally LESS runs on both the server-side (with Node.js and Rhino) or client-side (modern browsers only).

Using this guide you can move in the right direction in starting up with the LESS CSS and eventually develop your own websites using it.


The day we have started using CSS for enhancing the look and feel of our HTML websites, we found it quite interesting and in a gradual process, it has changed the way our websites appear.

Day-by-day CSS was used all across the world wide web, starting from static website development, till UI as well as web application development. Looking into the global use of CSS across the web, all UI persons and web designers started using it in every project without looking towards the limitations of it.

A significant amount of design time with CSS is spent rewriting common code for routine operations and maintenance works for a site in the form of color change, font change and such like. Of course, all this routine code can quickly become disorganized in traditional CSS designs.

Problem occurs on the cases, where we we have thousands of lines of styles and some separated CSS files to maintain. What is needed is a framework for CSS that will work in the same way like the other dynamic pre-processors(PHP) do during the web development.

LESS CSS Framework has been around for a while and does exactly that. LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior in association with variables, mixins, operations and functions in support of common tasks that includes the facility for organizing code in folders and files. As a result, time spent writing and organizing CSS code becomes greatly reduced. In general, being a LESS framework user, I must say that the use of LESS has made my CSS coding look more clean compared to the traditional use of CSS.

My favorite feature in the LESS CSS is the ability to use the variables in the form of define something once, assign a value to it and refer to it later throughout the CSS script. This feature works the same way I use PHP variables.

Less CSS Framework

What Editor shall I use to write LESS CSS?

There are several editors available widely for LESS CSS code writing. But the editor that most of the CSS coders are using across the world and the editor that specifically meant to support LESS file editing, is the ChrunchApp. CrunchApp is a cross-platform application, built on Adobe Air, which can be run on any environment, whether it may be on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

So, what we are waiting for? Let’s download the CrunchApp. Install it and start writing our first LESS CSS.

How to use LESS

As we have already discussed that, LESS is used both in server-side as well as Client-side. Among the both ways of LESS framework uses, Client-side is the easiest way to get started and good for developing websites using this LESS CSS.

To start coding using the LESS framework, we need few lines of code inside the <head></head> tags of our HTML document. First, the .less framework file on which we will write all our css scripts and next to that, the less.js library, which helps in rendering the .css file out of the .less file.

Using LESS is really easy. We only need this two lines inside the head tag of your HTML document.

<link rel=”stylesheet/less” type=”text/css” href=”less/style.less”>
<script src=”js/less.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>

Now, let’s see how to write code using the Crunch LESS compiler and compile the .less file into a fully functional .css file.

First of all, let’s open the CRUNCH compiler application.

Less CSS Framework

Crunch LESS compiler is a quite easy to use. The whole application base is quite user friendly and visually appealing without giving the feel of getting cluttered. Genuinely you will feel fun to use this application.

Now click on “Create a New LESS file” button. This will prompt to save your newly created .less file within a directory. Give it a name (I have given style.less) and save it within the directory named as “less”.

NOTE: Before creating a .less file, make sure you have created your projects directory within your computer and created two sub-directories (css directory) and (less directory) within it.

Less CSS Framework

Now you can see your style.less file being opened in the Crunch Editor. Click the “+” icon next to the file name “style.less” in the editor. This will create a new .less file. But this time, save this file with the name of style.css within the “css” directory we have created previously.

Less CSS Framework

Now you can find, two files opened in the Crunch editor (style.less and style.css). Among these two, we have no use on the style.css file, as our main purpose is to write LESS css scripts and which will be compiled to .css scripts and be saved in the style.css file.

As of now, we are all set with the creation of files and directories. Now, it’s time to create a simple html layout, based on what we will write some basic LESS CSS scripts to see our progress on the scripting.

Now, our only need is to link the CSS file into our HTML document, as follows;

<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”css/style.css”>

Let’s see, how to integrate the .less file and the LESS JS library into a basic HTML script.

<!DOCTYPE html>
            <title>LESS Framework Tutorial</title>
            <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>
            <link rel=”stylesheet/less” type=”text/css” href=”less/style.less”>
            <script src=”js/less.js” type=”text/javascript”></script>
            <div id=”container”>
                  <div class=”shape1″ id=”shape1″></div>
                  <div class=”shape2″ id=”shape2″></div>
                  <div class=”shape3″ id=”shape3″></div>

As you can see from the above HTML layout, we have integrated the two lines of codes (the css file and the less js library) inside the <head> part of our HTML. Make sure the .less file is integrated before the less.js file within the head.

Along with the above coding, we are all setup with the LESS CSS framework to work on out basic HTML template.

The next thing we will discuss is, some basic syntax that are mostly used during LESS CSS editing.

Before learing the basic use of LESS, let me remind you that, being an extension to CSS, LESS is not considered to be backwards compatibility of the traditional CSS, but the truth is, it adds the same use existing CSS syntax in a different and modern way. This makes the CSS coders learning LESS to be quite interesting and fun too.

Unlike our regular CSS coding, LESS works in a similar way and more-or-less like a programming language. But it’s dynamic feature has made it interesting and dynamic too. So, we must expect to find certain terminologies like Variables, Operation and Scope along the way unlike we use them in our other programming / server-side languages.


In the traditional CSS that we are presently using, cases we came across where probably we write something like this, where we use repetitive values assigned to some properties to some id/classes in the entire style-sheet.

.shape1 {
      color: #5cb100;
      border: 1px solid #5cb100;
.shape2 {
      background: #fff;
      color: #5cb100;
.shape3 {
      border: 1px solid #5cb100;

Writing this piece of code in our stylesheet is quite similar in most of the cases for the web designers and using this kind of css is also perfect to go with. But the problem arises, when our client want us to replace the color #2d5e8b across the site. Things became so tedious when we start modifying the stylesheet.

But things can be solved by using a CSS pre-processor, that can easily replace the traditional methodology of defining the styles. We can use a variable to store a constant value for it and use it later throughout the stylesheet.

@my-color: #5cb100;

.shape1 {
      color: @my-color;
      border: 1px solid @my-color;
.shape2 {
      background: #fff;
      color: @my-color;
.shape3 {
      border: 1px solid @my-color;

Less CSS Framework

NOTE: In LESS CSS framework, variables are defined using the “@” symbol.

In the code aove, we stored the color value #5cb100 within a variable named as “my-color” and used that variable wherever we need to have that color. In this case, if suppose we need to change the color from “#5cb100” to “#250b0c”, we can easily achieve this just by replacing the color value at the top of the code by replacing the “@my-color: #250b0c”.

Make it a note that, every time we save our CSS code within .less file, we need to render them to .css file. To do so, click the Crunch File button at the top-right position of the Crunch compiler. This will render the style.less file into style.css file.

Less CSS Framework

Now you can check your style.css file, how it looks. It seems to be very clean and well-commented as compared to your previously written CSS file.

Less CSS Framework


In LESS Framework, we include a group of properties from one ruleset to another ruleset. So to define, if we have the following class:

.green-gradient {
      background: #5cb100;
      background: linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);

As the above code defines, we have added a gradient color to a preset class “green-gradient”. Now, whenever we need to add this particular blend of gradient to any element (take for ex- a button) we just simply need to integrate the preset class “.green-gradient” in this way:

.shape1 {
      border: 1px solid #ccc;
      border-radius: 5px;

Once added and rendered the .less file, it will output to:

.shape1 {
      background: #5cb100;
      background: linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #5cb100, #305d00);
      border: 1px solid #ccc;
      border-radius: 5px;

To use more mixins in our css3 based websites we can refer to LESS elements at LESS ELEMENTS .

What we have to do is, download the elements.less css file and keep it inside the less directory along with the style.less file.

Reference it at the top of the style.less stylesheet with:

@import “elements.less”;

Once integrated, we can reuse the classes provided from the elements.less, for example, to add a gradient colors(#F5F5F5, #EEE, #FFF) to a div with class shape1, we can write this block of code as:

.shape1 {
      .gradient(#F5F5F5, #EEE, #FFF);

In the above code, the output will be rendered with a gradient color of Bottom-#EEE to Top- #FFF. HEre the first parameter/first color is the background color to use for browsers that don’t support gradients. The second two colors are the start and stop colors, going from bottom to top.

For further uses on LESS elements, please refer to teh documentation at LESS ELEMENTS .

Nested LESS rules

LESS CSS provides the ability to use nested css instead of or in combination with cascading. Lets implement the nesting css into the following CSS block:

#header { color: black; }
#header .navigation {
      font-size: 12px;
#header .logo {
      width: 300px;
#header .logo:hover {
      text-decoration: none;

This is the traditional way of defining CSS , where we used to specify the parent of every child element while declaring any css property for them.

But if we write the same block of code using CSS , it will look somewhat like this:

#header {
      color: black;
      .navigation {
            font-size: 12px;
      .logo {
            width: 300px;
            &:hover { text-decoration: none }

The above piece of code will render the same output as the traditional method of CSS does.

Kindly notice that, we have use a “&” mark before “:hover”. It is used when there is a need for a nested selector which needs to be concatenated to its parent selector, instead of acting as a descendant. Especially it is used an an important selector mostly for pseudo-classes like :hover and :focus.

LESS CSS for Basic Operations

Basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can also be done with the CSS file using the LESS CSS operations. WOW! Surprised. Yes, using the LESS CSS framework, now it is possible for us to do mathematical calculations and operations within the .less file which will finally rendered to required value for the elements. Any number, color or variable can assigned on CSS operations. Let’s find out how it happens:

@basic-width: 100px

.shape1 {
      width: @basic-width;
.shape2 {
      width: @basic-width * 2;

We the above code defines,, we have declared a value of 100px for the variable “@basic-width”, which is assigned as the width of shape1. As per our requirement, the width of the shape2 needs to be two times larger than the shape1. In our traditional CSS , we used to calculate this manually and write down the value for the width of shape2. But in LESS CSS, just simply adding “*2” with the variable “@basic-width” renders the width of shape2 two time increased in shape than shape1.

So, in this case, if anytime you want to have the width of shape1 to have increased to a different value, automatically the width of shape2 will increase depending on the width of the shape1.

Using Functions in LESS CSS

LESS framework helps in providing a variety of functions which transform in doing mathematical calculations easily. To define it with an example, we have used this method:

@width: 0.5;

.shape1 {
      width: percentage(0.5);

The above code will render the width of shape1 to 50% of its parent element’s div. Here we have used the “percentage” function with parameter “0.5” to render the 50% width of the HTML element. !Quite straight forward.

A detailed list of LESS functions can be found at the “Functions” section of the LESS framework website.

Interpolating Strings in LESS CSS

Unlike we embed variables inside strings in other languages(like:Ruby or PHP), with the @{name} construct we can also embed variables inside strings within LESS CSS.

@url: “”;
background: url(“@{url}/images/bg.jpg”);

LESS is one of the few available CSS pre-processors. But, remember this is just the beginning into the CSS pre-processor framework. More will come along the way. I will post in a few days about the SASS and PCSS (PHP-driven CSS preprocessor).

I hope, this post has ultimately guided you in understanding the basics of using the LESS CSS framework along with the CRUNCH compiler application. If you are a web application developer and its your first time  in using the LESS framework, you will find yourself to be non-techie in LESS CSS . But gradually practice makes it easier for you to go deeper into it and explore the rest of the uses of LESS framework and surely become lot easier for you.

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Testing at Mindfire

When in Testing do as the Testers do!!!

Its high time to bridge a gap between theoretical knowledge and real world implementation.
If you are new to testing domain and just trying googling out the real meaning and approach of testing below are few points which I feel will be handy for a beginner.

– Prepare test cases or a checklist for the project you are assigned in. Include all the test scenarios you can think of. Yes you are thinking right!


P.S. All the positive and negative scenarios. 🙂

For beginners – Test a simple ’email log in’ page!
What all scenarios you guys can think of!Yes you are going on right track.. whatever weired comes to your mind..Just do not stop playing around.

P.S. Let the application crash!!! 🙂

– Start performing tests , find and report bugs but hang on always remember there’s no end to bugs i.e. you can never say ‘This application is bug free’!!

P.S. Cant help it! 🙁

– Step into Customer’s shoes ; feel like a lay man and you will be amazed to see the number of bugs you come across.

P.S. Do not end up stepping on toes! 🙁

– Be Creative in your approach ; while writing test cases or preparing a check list. Do not assume.

P.S. Assumptions is the mother of all mistakes! 😉

– Start Suggesting ; Dig into the details and get to know the product’s functionality and general behaviour. This will enable you to add value and suggest new features and enhancements to your product.

P.S. A smart move it is! 😉

Last but not the least..

– Follow Processes ; Stick to the organisation standards and guidelines and process of QA testing.

P.S. Follow the process and find as many bugs you can..after all we are a part of software QA testing team !! 🙂

Happy Testing!!! 😀

Author – Anisha Nayak

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Information Security

The most probable thing you & your vendor never discussed

Security of Information. Information Security.


It is not surprising that during all outsourcing discussions which happen, couple of things are always discussed because those are considered to be the key elements of success – communication, pricing, work hours, deliverable, timeline, holidays, culture and others in decreasing order of priority. Each of these play a vital role in the process. And you feel the emphatic ‘Yeshh!’ feeling when you have weighed in all of them. There is another factor which needs to be factored in as well – Information Security.

I know you must be silently feeling happy and clenching your fists with that Yeshh! feeling if you had touched upon this topic in your discussions. And you must be. After all,  Information Security Services continue to grow– dramatically yet quietly.  It is not just about your data being securely used by the IT Services vendor you employed, it is also about your customers refusing to use your software product if it does not assure them of data security. Think of the financial reminder app you are planning to create for your target market. If the app does not usher faith from the data security signatures, not too many takers would even be saving their account numbers within. This might be a lame example but what I am trying to hint at is – Unless your app keeps my data secure, I ain’t gonna buy it for Free! Period.

The Guardian, UK recently reported that half of the Clearswift survey respondents were concerned that social media channels could pose significant risks to their IT security.  In addition, the UK government has identified information security as a key priority for the current year – 2013.

Information security does not just mean data breach or unidentified and fraudulent access to your confidential and proprietary data. Accidental data loss is perceived to be the biggest information security globally.  In the event of a data leak, the greatest worry is about reputational damage to the organisation (31%), followed by financial consequences (20%), with policy or compliance issues coming in third (18%) as per the survey.

John Oltsik, a Principal Analyst, NetworkWorld recently shared his estimate that about 0.60 to 0.70 cents of every security dollar is spent on either endpoint or network security.  While vendors scramble to establish positions or defend customer bases, users benefit from a much-needed wave of information security innovation and architectural integration.

Yup, there are lots of reasons like this why organizations are consuming more and more security services worldwide.


So what should businesses do when it comes to implementing information security strategies? What should they do when they are dealing with outsourcing partners?

It is clear that information security lapse can be harmful if not disastrous to the reputation of the company and possible financial losses as well. Hence promoting training and awareness within the organisation is clearly one way of dealing with it.

And the next step would be to adhere to a set of globally bench marked policies which help you avoid the risks because of information security. An information security management system (ISMS) is a set of policies concerned with information security management or IT related risks. The idioms arose primarily out of ISO 27001. The governing principle behind an ISMS is that an organization should design, implement and maintain a coherent set of policies, processes and systems to manage risks to its information assets, thus ensuring acceptable levels of information security risk.

The next step would be to hire a custom software development services vendor who is ISO 27001 certified. And if your vendor does not have a Infrastructure Security Management System certification from ISO, you will mostly get evasive answers to your queries on information security. Go ahead and ask your vendor the following questions as suggested by Bill Mathews, Hurricane Labs.

  • What secure development lifecycle (SDL) do you use?
  • What type of regression testing do you employ with bug fixes?
  • What type of security training do you provide to your developers?
  • What sort of logs will this application generate?
  • How will the application handle authentication?
  • How will the web application handle credit card payments?
  • Has an application you’ve written ever been “hacked” or breached?
  • Can you tell me 5 good reasons why this application will never be hacked?

By this time, you would realize that you can not risk your product and your data with someone who is not ISMS certified. Go ahead and talk to someone who is ISO 27001:2005 certified.

What do you think?  Do you agree Information security should be cared for?

Author – Subhendu Pattnaik

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Avoid Offshore Outsourcing IT Project failure!

In today’s world, technology can be influential in bringing nations together and on the adverse can destroy nations. Businesses these days are taking advantage of it to manage work across geographical boundaries and as a result minimizing their cost and effort. This is what is coined as the term “Outsourcing”. Though there are some worries in offshore software development work, still it is a widely accepted phenomenon by a majority of companies.

The topic of outsourcing continues to grab headlines irrespective of success or failure of offshore outsourcing projects. Companies have mixed response when it comes to feedback on their working experience with outsourced companies. Some companies might have had very good experience working with outsourced companies whereas others might have faced failure. Reasons may be many but identifying one or even a group of reasons is a tough task and sometimes impossible. A number of contributing factors cumulatively result in Offshore Outsourcing IT projects to fail. Some of the generic factors might be improper planning, ineffective management, inaccurate estimates or unclear objectives. But, apart from these, projects fail for some other minor but very influential factors such as communication, infrastructure complexity, culture and sometimes labor division. Let us discuss each of these minor factors to avoid mistakes and as a result avoid project failure.

Communication: We know that communication alone does not only mean language. While dealing with different teams across different geographies, it is obvious that communication would undergo other major challenges like time zones, location, distance etc. All these should be managed properly before the start of an offshore outsourcing project. Anybody dealing with an outsourcing project should previously finalize upon the modes and mechanism of communicating. By this I mean that, whether e-mails/Skype calls/video conferencing is sufficient or do they need daily status reports and other online facilities to monitor.

Infrastructure: A very important aspect of offshore outsourcing project is infrastructure. This not only includes physical presence but other underlying factors like facilities & hardware. The companies outsourcing needs to ensure that all the team members have adequate tools and access required to complete the work. Hence, they need to make sure that all issues related to privacy, licensing, intellectual property rights and trade agreements are sorted out.

Culture: Culture is an under-estimated factor for project failure but, it is very subtle and can affect offshore outsourcing projects to a great extent. Work culture is different in different countries. Hence it is imperative that, every organization should be fully aware of the outsourced location and its culture. Properly managing culture would definitely yield a successful project. One always needs to understand how people in different cultures behave to work with them as work attitude may differ from one culture to the other.

Labor Division: Sometimes work is divided among various outsourced companies by the offshore company in order to reduce money. But doing so will not reduce your pain. Instead, it will affect the project’s success, increase worries and also affect long term relationship. Evaluating companies based on their strengths and weaknesses irrespective of the price is rather a better and less risky way of allocating work.

In my knowledge, these factors are the most under-rated ones but are highly effective while deciding upon a project’s future apart from the other mentioned points of improper planning, ineffective management, inaccurate estimates and unclear objectives. Hence, these should not be neglected and taken care of prior to outsourcing a project.


Author – Suryakant Behera

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