Benefits of Outsourcing Web Application Testing

Benefits of Outsourcing Web Application Testing
Benefits of Outsourcing Web Application Testing

A very large percentage of consumers nowadays access websites and web applications on their mobile devices. But several studies suggest that consumers spend most of their digital media time on specific mobile apps. While developing a web application, an enterprise must focus on its mobile user experience to keep consumers engaged and persuade them to buy. The use experience delivered by a web application depends on a number of factors – accessibility, functionality, usability, performance, and security. Also, the user experience delivered by a single web application differs across browsers, devices, operating systems, and networks. An enterprise must implement a comprehensive web application testing strategy to measure its website’s user experience accurately. Continue reading Benefits of Outsourcing Web Application Testing

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Mobile Strategy For Pure Play Retailers

Mobile Strategy For Pure Play Retailers
Mobile Strategy For Pure Play Retailers

Unlike conventional businesses, pure play retailers focus all their efforts on a single product or service. But no pure play retailer can generate more sales revenue by focusing on brick and mortar stores. Nowadays, most users prefer web stores to conventional brick and mortar stores. Likewise, they use the internet for performing pre-purchase research and experience richer shopping experience. However, a pure play retailer can no longer drive digital sales through eCommerce websites. A proper mobile strategy for pure play retailers has become absolutely necessary. Continue reading Mobile Strategy For Pure Play Retailers

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Pyramid vs Django vs Flask: Best Python Framework

Pyramid vs Django
Pyramid vs Django


Python is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world. According to a recent survey, about 48% of developers from around the world prefer using Python. It has various applications ranging from web development, machine learning, data analysis, and more. The developers need robust Python web frameworks to build custom web applications rapidly according to varying business requirements. A web developer has option to choose from a wide range of Python web frameworks.

To make the most of this versatile language, it’s important to choose the right framework. At present, there are three popular frameworks for Python– Django, Pyramid, and Flask. Each framework has its own strengths and weaknesses, and commands higher value than the others depending on the nature of the project and use case.

In this article, we will compare Django vs Pyramid vs Flask frameworks. We’ll look at the strengths and weaknesses of each framework so you can decide which one is right for your project.

Comparing Three Widely Used Python Web Frameworks: Pyramid vs Django vs Flask


Django is a high-level web application framework written in Python. It is an open-source framework, with a thriving and active community. The framework emphasizes the “Don’t Repeat Yourself” principle, which helps developers create highly efficient applications. Django also provides an ORM (object-relational mapping) to help manage database operations more easily and securely.

The versatile nature of the framework makes it suitable for projects of any size and capacity. IT firms leverage Django to create dynamic web pages with extensive backend and front-end support. Python web applications that need to be developed and deployed for production within short TATs are good candidates for Django. Additionally, businesses looking for an enterprise-grade solution with excellent security features should consider using Django.

Features & Benefits of Django

    • With Django’s prebuilt libraries, enterprises can develop applications faster than that with many other frameworks.
    • The framework has an MTV (model-template-view) architecture pattern that simplifies the development process and makes maintenance easier.
    • Django offers robust security features such as authentication, authorization, and CSRF protection.
    • Web applications developed with Django are highly scalable due to the framework’s ability to seamlessly handle high-load.
    • Django is a versatile framework as it can be easily integrated with multiple databases, JavaScript frameworks, CSS libraries, etc.

Limitations of Django

  • Django is a monolithic framework, meaning that all components must be written in Python and cannot be easily decoupled.
  • While the ORM is useful for managing database operations, it can be inflexible and may not support all database operations. Additionally, the ORM can be slow for complex queries, which can impact the performance of an application.
  • The learning curve of Django is quite steep and it can take some time for developers to become proficient with the framework.


Pyramid is a lightweight and flexible web application framework written in Python. It is designed to be as minimal as possible, allowing developers to build applications with only the features they need. Pyramid emphasizes the “Start Small, Finish Big” principle, which makes it a great choice for small- to-medium-sized businesses.

The framework supports the usage of many well-known single-file web apps like microframeworks, making it a good choice for businesses looking for an easy-to-learn Python web framework with minimal overhead. Also, Pyramid allows IT firms to cost-effectively create basic web applications and quickly deploy them.

Features & Benefits of Pyramid

    • The framework is highly extensible and modular which allows developers to add or remove components as needed.
    • It has a flexible URL mapping system, which makes it easy to create clean and intuitive URLs for your application.
    • Pyramid includes a number of built-in features such as a templating engine and a request object, which makes it easy to build web applications.
    • Pyramid offers more flexibility than Django and Flask.

Limitations of Pyramid

  • The framework has fewer pre-built libraries than other frameworks meaning that developers may have to write code from scratch more often while using Pyramid.
  • The framework is relatively new and has a smaller developer community.


Flask is a web application micro-framework, which is highly flexible and extensible. Flask also has an extensive library of third-party extensions which can be easily integrated into any application. The framework’s easy-to-use development server also allows developers to quickly test their applications without having to install or configure additional tools.

The framework is the best for creating static websites, rapid prototypes, MVPs, and RESTful web services. IT firms also use Flask to create simple business applications that don’t require the full-stack features of Django or Pyramid. Furthermore, it is used to develop projects where the architecture is based on microservices.

Features & Benefits of Flask

    • Flask offers built-in debugging and unit testing tools which makes it easier to develop and maintain applications.
    • Flask is incredibly lightweight, allowing developers to quickly build basic applications with minimal effort.
    • Flask uses Jinja2 as its templating engine which allows developers to create dynamic webpages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Limitations of Pyramid

  • The framework does not have an ORM (Object Relational Mapping) library like Django or Pyramid so developers must use an external library for database operations.
  • It is suitable only for static web pages.
  • Flask can also make it difficult for developers new to the platform to determine which libraries and frameworks should be used for certain tasks.

Related Case Study – Python Intrusion Detection System For tracking and analyzing network statistics and application logs by Mindfire Solutions


When choosing the best framework for Python, developers should consider their project’s size and complexity. Django is an ideal choice for large-scale projects due to its robust set of features, whereas Flask is great for small to medium-sized projects with fewer requirements. Pyramid is also a great option if you need flexibility in small projects. Ultimately, the final decision should be based on the specific needs of each project.

If you’re not sure which framework is right for your project and want expert guidance, reach out to us at Mindfire Solutions. We specialize in Python development services and can help you choose the best technology stack for your needs as well as build high-quality software quickly and efficiently.

Visit Mindfire Solutions, to learn more about us.

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10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2018

10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2018
10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2018

Recently, Google revealed the list of most downloaded Android apps for 2017. Surprisingly, the most downloaded apps list for Android platform does not include popular mobile apps like Facebook and WhatsApp. The list includes a number of apps that many Android device users have not heard of. The list will encourage many app developers to launch new mobile apps with out-of-box features and outstanding user experience in 2018. However, the developers also need to adopt the emerging mobile app development trends to accomplish more downloads and generate revenue. Continue reading 10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2018

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Telemedicine App

Call the Doctor – Telemedicine App

Dr. Rogers stood by the window of his clinic, looking down at the park on the other side of the street. As he watched a little boy run squealing after his puppy, he let his mind wander, thinking about the many years he had spent practicing medicine. He had attended to a lot of patients, perhaps thousands. But Lisa was special. He still remembered the day he first met her. He had stood nervously by the door of his brand new clinic, wiping away an imaginary fleck of dust from the plaque that hung on it Continue reading Call the Doctor – Telemedicine App

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Important Enterprise Mobile App Development Facts

Enterprise Mobile App Development Facts
Enterprise Mobile App Development Facts

An enterprise mobile app will help you to solve specific business problems, improve business processes, and make employees productive. But enterprise mobile app development is more complex that consumer centric app development. In addition to identifying and defining your business requirements, you need to explore ways to make the app accessible across devices, platforms, and networks. Also, you have to ensure that the app allows employees to access and store corporate data securely, while being compatible with the existing software systems and solutions.  At the same time, you also need to keep in mind a number of facts to simplify and accelerate enterprise mobile app development. Continue reading Important Enterprise Mobile App Development Facts

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Ruby Version Management Tool Comparison: rbenv vs RVM

Ruby Version Management Tool Comparison rbenv vs RVM
Ruby Version Management Tool Comparison rbenv vs RVM

In the world of Ruby development, one essential aspect that developers must tackle is managing different versions of Ruby on their machines. This necessity arises due to the ever-evolving nature of the language and the need to ensure compatibility with different projects. Two popular Ruby version managers that aid in this process are Rbenv and RVM. This blog explores the intricacies of Ruby version managers – Rbenv vs RVM. We compare features, performance, and compatibility with other development tools.
Continue reading Ruby Version Management Tool Comparison: rbenv vs RVM

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Influencer Marketing Solution

Influencer Marketing Solution

A Friend In Need

When I bumped into Ben after five years, I realized that my friend’s warm smile had disappeared. There was something unnatural about Ben’s behavior. The bags under his eyes did not help either. Once we were done eating, I plucked up the courage to ask what the problem was. Ben sighed and said in what was almost a whisper that his content writing firm was struggling.

The Challenge

What happened? You are a gifted writer. I was there when you bought the place and employed some promising writers. What went wrong?” I asked.

“I don’t know, Stefan. It was all fine for the first three years,” Ben said and straightened up in his chair. Continue reading Influencer Marketing Solution

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Why should you outsource Software QA Testing?

Outsource Software QA Testing
Outsource Software QA Testing

Nowadays, consumers access the same software application on varying devices, platforms, and browsers. Your software application must functional flawlessly and deliver richer user experience across different user environments to become profitable. You need to perform elaborate software QA testing to assess the quality and user experience of the software properly. To assess the quality of the software properly, you need to perform various types of software testing – functional testing, performance testing, usability testing, integration testing, acceptance testing, and beta testing. Also, you have to repeat the tests across various devices, platforms, browsers, and networks to generate more reliable test results. Continue reading Why should you outsource Software QA Testing?

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On-Demand Mobile App Development

On-Demand Mobile App Development
On-Demand Mobile App Development

Consumers nowadays spend a very large percentage of their digital media time on mobile apps. Many enterprises already use their mobile apps as a powerful marketing tool to promote and sell their products or services. Several studies suggest companies nowadays prefer on-demand mobile apps to maximize sales by delivering on-demand products or services to consumers. Like custom mobile apps, on-demand mobile app development is done according to precise business needs.

But these apps enable enterprises to maximize sales by providing products or services to customers on-demand. When a consumer uses an on-demand mobile app for the first time, the app captures his personal information and credit card details. The consumer can avail the specific product or service on-demand subsequently simply by sending a request through the app. Each time a customer sends a request through the app, a trigger is generated in the system to meet his demand precisely and timely. Continue reading On-Demand Mobile App Development

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