Python Web Frameworks To Learn In 2018

Python Web Frameworks 2018Unlike other web programming languages, Python enables developers to build web applications with concise, readable, and maintainable code. In 2018, many web developers will prefer Python to other server-side scripting languages to speed up web application development and simplify web application maintenance. But Python does not provide the built-in features required to accelerate custom web application development. The programmers use a number of Python web frameworks to write custom web applications in Python quickly and efficiently. Continue reading Python Web Frameworks To Learn In 2018

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Fitness Delivers Swiftness

Fitness Delivers Swiftness

If we jot down our new year goals, most of us will have “fitness” as the common one. We vowed at the end of 2017 that we will strive for an aerobicised body by the end of 2018. Now, let us analyze for how many years we have been pledging to do it. Probably for quite a few years!

Majority of us have been working in IT industries for a long time. We have had a very sedentary lifestyle all these years. We are desk-bound for the predominant part of our days, so much that if Yamraj sums up the hours of an IT engineer sitting at his computer in his life, the result will pretty much add up to the engineer’s whole life. Hope the lord then shows us some mercy. Continue reading Fitness Delivers Swiftness

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Full Stack JavaScript Frameworks

Full Stack JavaScript Frameworks

Many enterprises nowadays opt for full stack we application development to reduce both developments time and cost. In addition to being proficient in client-side and server-side web technologies, a full stack web developer further synchronizes the frontend and backend of a website seamlessly according to precise business requirements. Several studies suggest that JavaScript is currently the most popular programming language for full stack web development. Nowadays, JavaScript is extensively used for building large scale complex web applications. Continue reading Full Stack JavaScript Frameworks

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Laravel 4 vs Laravel 5

Laravel 4 vs Laravel 5A large percentage of web developers nowadays prefer Laravel 5 to other PHP frameworks to avail a number of robust features. Laravel simplifies development of large and complex web applications by providing a built-in template engine, object relational mapper (ORM) system, authentication library, and native security features.In one of our previous blogs: Laravel vs CodeIgniter, we had compared Laravel with another popular PHP Framework CodeIgniter. Laravel has been evolving consistently to meet the all possible needs of modern web application developers. Today, we will compare Laravel 4 vs Laravel 5 and see how Laravel has been continuously improving itself. Continue reading Laravel 4 vs Laravel 5

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Best Automation Testing Tools For 2018

Best Automation Testing Tools For 2018

A steady increase is being noted in the number of enterprises implementing agile methodology to deliver software applications rapidly. Many enterprises adopt DevOps – as an extension of agile methodology – to deliver high quality software applications by unifying software development and IT operations. Both agile methodology and DevOps emphasize on continuous delivery and test automation. The enterprises should coordinate the manual and automation testing efforts to get the best results. Continue reading Best Automation Testing Tools For 2018

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How To Overcome Cross-Cultural Issues In Global Software Outsourcing?

How to overcome cross-cultural issues in global software outsourcing

Software outsourcing has been a booming business since 1990’s. The reasons are reduced cost, access to wide range of labor markets and improved performance. Today a lot of software development occurs at offshore locations as companies get plenty of talented resource at low cost. Most software development vendors place small teams at client locations to smoothly execute projects. This may sometimes be troublesome if the person does not have some understanding of the country’s culture. Some particular societies tend to have distinct ways of working, and this may lead to cross-cultural issues while attempting collaboration or may sometimes lead to project failure. To avoid project failure  companies should learn to overcome cross-cultural issues in global software outsourcing.

Continue reading How To Overcome Cross-Cultural Issues In Global Software Outsourcing?

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The 7 Most Common Mistakes JavaScript Developers Make

JavaScript Common Mistakes


At present, JavaScript is used widely by programmers for developing both web applications and mobile apps. JavaScript has been emerging as one of the preferred languages for building large scale web applications. JavaScript, along with HTML5 and CSS3, help developers to make websites accessible on both computers and mobile devices with a single code base. The full stack web developers prefer writing client-side and server-side code in JavaScript. The developers also have option to accelerate custom application development by taking advantage of various JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and development tools. Continue reading The 7 Most Common Mistakes JavaScript Developers Make

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Factors Which Drive SMB IT Outsourcing

SMB IT Outsourcing

Outsourcing IT requirement to an offshore location has been a trend for companies since the last two decades among which, India is treated as the most preferable destination. Almost every company, be it SMB’s or large corporations outsource part or whole of their IT requirements to third party vendors. Affording an IT department in-house for a SMB requires manpower as well as enough funds for taking care of infrastructure. So, they look forward to SMB IT outsourcing to offshore locations in order to; control the excessive flow of funds. The funds required in outsourcing are also sizable but, it is not as higher as required for an in-house set up. In case of larger corporations, their concern of outsourcing IT would be something different. They might look forward to an offshore location to outsource expertise in a certain skill set which they themselves lack. This post will discuss in detail the various factors that drive SMB IT Outsourcing. Continue reading Factors Which Drive SMB IT Outsourcing

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Face ID vs Touch ID

Face ID vs Touch ID

In 2013, Apple introduced iPhone 5S with a new finger print recognition system –Touch ID. Apple subsequently made Touch ID available on iPad Air 2 in 2015. Hence, all iPhone launched model since 2013 and all iPad models launched since 2015 feature Touch ID. Touch ID is designed to scan, read, and recognize fingerprint through a fingerprint sensor embedded into the Home button. While using his iPhone or iPad, a user can take advantage of Touch ID to unlock his device, authenticate Apple Pay payments, and purchase digital content simply by touching the home button. Continue reading Face ID vs Touch ID

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Media Matching Platform

Media Matching Platform
Media Matching Platform

She knew but one thing, and that was to create successful marketing campaigns. It was her superpower. Obscure brands would go viral overnight under her careful tutelage.

“There goes the Marketing Matchmaker”, people would whisper as she walked past, her mind busy analyzing trends and matching her clients to the media outlets that were just right for them. From zeroing in on the right brand ambassador to coming up with the perfect taglines, Ms. P could truly do it all. Continue reading Media Matching Platform

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