Category Archives: Mobile App Development

Tools for Android App Development

Tools for Android App DevelopmentThe massive worldwide market share of Android helps mobile app developers to accomplish more downloads quickly and implement app monetization techniques effectively. But the developers have to address common Android app development challenges like device and platform fragmentation to make their applications standout in the crowd. There are a number of integrated development environments (IDEs), frameworks, and libraries that help developers to build high quality Android apps based on varied business requirements. But the Android app development tools differ from each other in terms of features, usability, performance, and update frequency. Developers need robust tools for Android app development to create apps meet precise business needs and deliver outstanding user experience. Continue reading Tools for Android App Development

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Significance of User-Centric Design in Mobile App Development

Significance Of User-Centric Design In Mobile App DevelopmentUsers nowadays have option to choose from millions of mobile apps according to their mobile operating system. Several studies suggest that a large percentage of users abandon mobile apps after one use. Likewise, users spend most of their digital media time in just five apps. Hence, enterprises have to explore ways to keep users engaged and prevent user abandonment by making their mobile apps deliver outstanding user experience. Unlike conventional mobile app design techniques, user-centric design helps enterprises to make their apps deliver outstanding user experience. Continue reading Significance of User-Centric Design in Mobile App Development

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Mobile Strategy For Pure Play Retailers

Mobile Strategy For Pure Play Retailers
Mobile Strategy For Pure Play Retailers

Unlike conventional businesses, pure play retailers focus all their efforts on a single product or service. But no pure play retailer can generate more sales revenue by focusing on brick and mortar stores. Nowadays, most users prefer web stores to conventional brick and mortar stores. Likewise, they use the internet for performing pre-purchase research and experience richer shopping experience. However, a pure play retailer can no longer drive digital sales through eCommerce websites. A proper mobile strategy for pure play retailers has become absolutely necessary. Continue reading Mobile Strategy For Pure Play Retailers

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10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2018

10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2018
10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2018

Recently, Google revealed the list of most downloaded Android apps for 2017. Surprisingly, the most downloaded apps list for Android platform does not include popular mobile apps like Facebook and WhatsApp. The list includes a number of apps that many Android device users have not heard of. The list will encourage many app developers to launch new mobile apps with out-of-box features and outstanding user experience in 2018. However, the developers also need to adopt the emerging mobile app development trends to accomplish more downloads and generate revenue. Continue reading 10 Mobile App Development Trends for 2018

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Important Enterprise Mobile App Development Facts

Enterprise Mobile App Development Facts
Enterprise Mobile App Development Facts

An enterprise mobile app will help you to solve specific business problems, improve business processes, and make employees productive. But enterprise mobile app development is more complex that consumer centric app development. In addition to identifying and defining your business requirements, you need to explore ways to make the app accessible across devices, platforms, and networks. Also, you have to ensure that the app allows employees to access and store corporate data securely, while being compatible with the existing software systems and solutions.  At the same time, you also need to keep in mind a number of facts to simplify and accelerate enterprise mobile app development. Continue reading Important Enterprise Mobile App Development Facts

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On-Demand Mobile App Development

On-Demand Mobile App Development
On-Demand Mobile App Development

Consumers nowadays spend a very large percentage of their digital media time on mobile apps. Many enterprises already use their mobile apps as a powerful marketing tool to promote and sell their products or services. Several studies suggest companies nowadays prefer on-demand mobile apps to maximize sales by delivering on-demand products or services to consumers. Like custom mobile apps, on-demand mobile app development is done according to precise business needs.

But these apps enable enterprises to maximize sales by providing products or services to customers on-demand. When a consumer uses an on-demand mobile app for the first time, the app captures his personal information and credit card details. The consumer can avail the specific product or service on-demand subsequently simply by sending a request through the app. Each time a customer sends a request through the app, a trigger is generated in the system to meet his demand precisely and timely. Continue reading On-Demand Mobile App Development

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