All posts by Debiprasad Dash

Implementing Micro Frontends with Next.js

Implementing Micro Frontends with Next.js: A Real-World Experience

Micro Frontends are increasingly being adopted to enable scalable and flexible frontend development in large applications. Recently, our team integrated Micro Frontends into a project using Next.js and next-module-federation-mf. With over 18 developers working on the UI, breaking down our application into Micro Frontends made collaboration easier, but we encountered some unique challenges along the way.

This post will walk you through the challenges, solutions, and the advantages we found in adopting this architecture with Next.js, along with example code to demonstrate key setup steps.

Our Setup: Next.js and Module Federation

We used Next.js as our main framework with @module-federation/nextjs-mf to handle Module Federation. Our application was split into 13 Micro Frontends, with each section represented by an isolated Next.js project.

Each micro frontend was exposed as a federated module and imported dynamically where needed. Here’s how we set up imports, exposes, and shared modules in our configuration.

Setting Up Module Federation in Next.js

To get started, you need to configure module federation in your next.config.js file.

1. Installing Dependencies

First, install the required module federation plugin: Continue reading Implementing Micro Frontends with Next.js: A Real-World Experience

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