React vs Angular

React vs Angular to develop Single Page Application


Single page application (SPA) is a website or web application that interacts with users by rewriting the current web page dynamically with updated data from the web server, rather than loading complete new pages as is the default approach. The objective is to make the website seem more like a native app with quicker transitions. The page does not reload or transfer control to another page at any time during the process.

Huge companies around the globe are using Angular and React. Companies like Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox etc use React. Whereas, companies like Google, Nike, Forbes, Sony, HBO use Angular etc.

The market for front-end development frameworks and tools has grown highly competitive. Angular and React are the most popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries among developers which are new. These are well-supported technologies for developing front-end apps. Despite the differences between them, developers use these frameworks to create single page application (SPA).


Facebook and a network of individual developers and communities manage React and it is one of the most popular frameworks. React is a strong, adaptable, and extremely flexible framework that allows its components to be used across various applications.The framework is used by most React development services due to its “learn once, write anywhere” approach and code reusability to create rapid and scalable programmes for all platforms. Its component-based and declarative characteristics make it simple for developers to design interactive and sophisticated user interfaces.


Angular is one of the most flexible JavaScript frameworks for web app development, with a wide range of capabilities. It has a lot of features, is quite strong, and gives you greater control over your web application. Angular is a typescript-based programming framework. It’s a component-based framework for building highly scalable web applications. It comes with a number of well-integrated libraries and features, including client-server communication, routing, and more.

Comparision between the two technologies to develop single page application:

Angular and React are inherently different in several ways, therefore we must establish a common ground for comparison

● Document Object Model (DOM):

Angular employs real DOM, which means that if a single section of the tree data structure is changed or modified, the entire tree data structure is updated. In React app development, however Virtual DOM is used, allowing app development companies to track and update changes without affecting other sections of the tree. In the react versus angular race, React wins because Virtual DOM is more fast.

● Data Binding:

Data-binding refers to the connection between the component’s logic and the data it displays. Angular which is bidirectional supports two-way data binding by connecting the Document Object Model (DOM) values to Model data via the Controller. Whereas, React being unidirectional uses one-way data binding, which allows you to direct the flow of data in only one direction. Although two-way data-binding can be implemented with React, by default, a component’s and view’s connection is always one-way. We can add logic to a component to make the connection two-way.

● Performance:

The rivalry between the two frameworks intensifies, with none falling behind in terms of performance. But,the performance of Angular is comparatively slower due to the two-way data binding. The two-way flow of data often causes performance concerns. Server-side rendering becomes faster thanks to React’s virtual Document Object Model. React apps perform better as a result of this.

● Componentization:

Angular has a very fixed and complex structure as it is constructed on three layers: Model, View, and Controller. Developers use Angular to break the app’s code into different files. This enables the reuse of templates or components in various parts of the application. React, on the other hand, opts for a distinct architecture. It provides a straightforward method for creating component trees. The library includes functional programming, including declarative component definitions. React code is easy to read and rationally structured. JavaScript developers can more readily transition to React thanks to reusable components and clear coding.

● Directives:

Angular Directives allow us to organise our code and operate around the DOM. These directives give us access to the DOM when working with Angular. Apart from the directives that come with it, developers can also write their own.The templates are returned with attributes in Angular, and the syntax of Angular’s directives is sophisticated and complex. This makes it confusing to new developers. This distinction between templates and directives does not exist in React. The template logic, or directives, must be written directly in the template. At the end of each component, the logic and templates in React are discussed. It allows readers to comprehend the meaning of the code without having to know the syntax.

● Learning curve:

When compared to React, Angular has a steep learning curve. The Angular framework allows you to tackle a problem in a variety of ways, has a complicated component management system, and necessitates knowledge of various concepts and languages. Furthermore, the framework is constantly evolving, necessitating the need for developers to keep up with what’s new in the Angular ecosystem and to upgrade their skills accordingly. However, React allows you to quickly learn and create an app in the React ecosystem. If you are familiar with JavaScript, React becomes much more easier to learn. It has several valuable tools for newbies to grasp the framework and construct a single page application.

When to use React?

Both Angular and React are excellent choices for developing single page application. The choice between the two is mostly dependent on the project at hand.

● React is a better choice as it has a lower learning curve because existing JavaScript and HTML code may suffice, which allows for faster development. However, as time goes on, developers will need to learn more advanced technologies

● React outperforms Angular, because of its virtual DOM implementation and rendering optimizations. It’s also simple to switch between React versions; unlike Angular, where you have to install updates one by one.

● React has the advantage of allowing segregated debugging, which aids developers in achieving app stability. Furthermore, React’s component-driven architecture allows us to reuse components, reducing development time and expenses.

● Using React, developers have access to a wide range of pre-built solutions. This reduces the number of errors while also speeding up the development process. React’s library can be incorporated into any project (even if it is made with Angular).

So, when to use Angular?

● The team is familiar with Typescript.

● The app’s complexity ranges from low to medium.

● You prefer ready-to-use solutions and want to increase your productivity.

● You wish to use the CLI option Bundle Budgets, which alerts developers when the application bundle size exceeds a predetermined limit. In other words, if you want to control the size of your app, Angular is the way to go.

● You need a feature-rich, large-scale application.

Like other businesses, if you too are looking to develop Single Page Application, Mindfire Solutions can be your partner of choice. We have deep expertise in both React and Angular. We have a team of highly skilled and certified software professionals, who have developed many custom solutions for our global clients over the years.

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