The new technologies and emerging trends often transform the way software applications are developed, tested, and deployed. At present, consumers spend more digital time on mobile apps that mobile websites. But many analysts believe that chatbots have the potential to make mobile apps obsolete in near future. Hence, no programmer can keep software applications relevant and profitable in the long run simply by writing clean and maintainable code. Likewise, no testing professional can evaluate the new-age software applications using conventional software testing methods and tools.
The working IT professionals must know the latest technologies and monitor the changing trends to build futuristic software applications. The tech conferences make it easier for working professionals to learn and discuss a wide range of technologies and trends despite their packed work schedules. But the IT professionals working in eastern India often find it daunting to attend tech conferences regularly. Mindfire Solutions makes it easier for working professionals to hone their technical knowledge and skills by organizing the second edition of the first tech conference in Eastern India – TechBhubaneswar.
TechBhubaneswar 2.0 will take place at Hotel Mayfair Convention, Bhubaneswar on 10th December 2017. The tech conference will comprise of 12 sessions, 3 technical tracks, and a panel discussion. A working IT professional can attend the conference as a speaker, volunteer or attendee. But he can always enhance his skills by listening to the ideas and information shared by 13 eminent speakers. The presentations and activities will further cover both existing and futuristic technologies, open source and licensed software, software development and testing, and emerging trends in web application and mobile app development.
The individual session will cover open source technologies, cloud technologies and software testing along with futuristic technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Blockchain. At the same time, the common sessions will include a panel discussion on the Futuristic Technologies and Possibilities. The attendees will also get a chance to learn from eminent speakers like Rahul Verma, Sunny Baghela, Ramit Manohar Kaul, Shivprasad Koirala, Nirmalya Sengupta, Ritesh Modi, Disksha Deo, Pooja Baraskar, Manoj Chaudhari and Chinmoy Panda. The panel discussion and individual sessions will definitely help participants to learn futuristic technologies and changing software development lifecycle.
Mindfire Solutions has been organizing TechBhubaneswar event since 2016 with the intention to develop a thriving tech community in Bhubaneswar. Within a short span of time, Bhubaneswar has emerged as a smart city and IT hub. Many leading Indian IT companies have already set up software development centres in Bhubaneswar. Likewise, IT professionals from various regions are currently working in Bhubaneswar. But there is still no thriving IT community in Bhubaneswar. Likewise, the working IT professionals in eastern India lack a robust platform to hone their skills and discuss ideas.
TechBhubaneswar event aims to create a platform to share and discuss tech ideas and trends by bringing together over 600 bright tech minds and 13 eminent speakers. The tech conference will definitely provide IT professionals a platform to connect and communicate with each other. At the same time, TechBhubaneswar 2.0 will contribute towards building a robust tech community in Bhubaneswar. The impact of the event on techie minds can be evaluated from the feedback and testimonials posted by the IT professionals who attended TechBhubaneswar 1.0 in 2016.
550 attendees are already selected for the second edition of TechBhubaneswar event. You must attend TechBhubaneswar 2.0 to boost your technical knowledge by discussing a wide range of technologies and trends with eminent speakers. There are also chances that you may not get another opportunity to attend a technical conference in 2017 while residing and working in eastern India.