Managing social media is easy during busy office hours

There has been a sudden rise in the number of social sites recently. The reason being, it’s acceptance by individuals as well as businesses and the fact that people are getting social. Most of the readers must have registered at multiple sites. But, the usage would be restricted to a limited number of sites. This is solely because of the fact that people do not get enough time to visit every site and update the same status everywhere. Taking time out from busy schedules and updating every site looks like a tedious task to them. Hence, most people update their Facebook page only and leave the rest. The status update is effective when it reaches to people worldwide.

Let’s say that you run a technology blog and every time you make a post you update about it on your Facebook wall. By doing this you limit the visibility of the post to your friends only and fortunately if one of your friends shares it on his/her wall then, it reaches out to some more mass. Apart from this, you can be more focused towards promoting your post to the outside world which will not only give you credibility as a blogger but also will give you recognition. But, the point is how can you promote the post in a lesser time?

This again brings us back to our topic as to how we can manage our social media efforts during busy office hours? Well, if I would have been in your place, I would have made a search for the top social sites (bookmarking, social media), pick of at least 5 of each, undergo a one-time registration process and finally share.

Every blog has a lot of sharing buttons and social bookmarking widgets. The requirement is to implement these to our blogs. Once a blog post is written, we can use those widgets to bookmark and share it on different sites at one click. You can also integrate your social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. so that you can reduce the effort of posting your updates to different sites by visiting one by one.

There are also a lot of free tools available for managing social media by which, you can track your visitors, check time spent by them on your blog, schedule your updates for future and do a lot of other tasks easily. We will discuss about them in my next blog. Do keep reading.

Author – Suryakant Behera

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