WordPress Audio Player Plugin

Executive Summary

Designed and implemented an audio player plugin for a WordPress site that works similar to hypem.com and indabamusic.com. The audio player uses Soundmanager2 JavaScript API to create the HTML5 audio player. Used SOX to generate spectrogram for the mp3 file that was to be played. Used MP3 decoder; LAME, to generate wave form for the mp3 file. The wave form and spectrogram load when the song is selected and the user can swap between the two views.

The audio player allows the user to seek through a song by clicking anywhere on the waveform or spectrogram. Used apache modules to stream mp3 files. Heavily customized Ajaxed Autofocus+ 2.0 theme template that can be crawled by Googlebot and other search engines. We also implemented ability for music to be streamed continuously while browsing the site similar to what you see on hypem.com & indieshuffle.com

Adjusted hash bang URLs using HTML5 for “pretty” URLs. Integrated short-code support in posts to allow playing songs from remote websites such as soundowl.

About our Client

Entertainment Company


Media And Entertainment

