Catalog Report

Executive Summary

To see how different products have done business in the past 4 months in terms of Sales, Stocks, wholesale along with future 4 months sales of the product.

The report contains images of the products with their description and local market prices alongside the details of products business. The report is made mainly for PDF version. Two versions of the same report are made. One for classification and another for product story. Major complexity in this report was designing the report (because if the number of products increases huge it throws heap-space error) and SQL query (because of the variety of data stored in different tables and also keeping execution time in mind). The report contains cascading input control which means that one input control is dependent on the previous input control. Cascading input controls to get only the countries belonging to a particular region/sub Region. This report is also made for static version which means it can be called directly via URL. The parameters in this case is sent in the URL as key=values with ‘&’ preceding the keys.

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Finance Company




Jasper Report