Vehicle maintenance and overhaul contracts tracking system

Executive Summary

This PHP based web application is a front-end design of existing Filemaker Application with the purpose of improving speed, more user friendly, Add some extra features like PDF/excel export , upload images/video files to amazon server etc.

The Application starts with a login page where users authenticated through the FileMaker user Account details. After the successful login the user navigated to the dashboard page. The user can able to see all the records associated to that particular account. There is a search form using which some specific records can be found. Also, user can search with multiple data by selecting more than one value from the dropdown list. An image search feature searches all images associated with the input title. After search if the user wants to export the data then he/she can export all the search data to either PDF or excel format.

There is an Add Tag icon which takes the user (Inspectors) to create a new work order page. In the new work order page, all the information of Car Defects is specified with the Contract name to whom the repair work is assigned. The users also can upload some images as well as videos to describe the defect more specifically. Upon submitting the work order a new Work order created in the FileMaker database, all the image/video files uploaded to the Amazon web server and emails are sent to the Admin as well as Contract email account. The contractor can find the details URL of the newly created work order through the email.

An Edit Work order page is there if the user (inspector) wants to change some data or need to upload images/video file later. Same way the Contractor can change the status, repair date etc. of the Car Defect details. Only after adding a work order the contractor can accept or reject it. All the users associated to that Contract can find the changed status of work order though the email. Also the contractor can check the images and can play the video files added for that particular Work Order.

Mobile Version: A mobile version (for iPhone, iPad, Android Mobiles) of the above application created for the users with login and Add work order functionality using jQuery Mobile.

About our Client

Automobile Company




Filemaker SDK