Makeover/Dress up App

Executive Summary

Do your own makeover, dress it up the way you like it and as many times as you want. A fun fashion game/application, where you can set a model, background and then pick tops, under garments, pants, jackets, skirts, footwear, hair style and various accessories and put the make-up.

User can further create their account and participate in various daily/weekly contests and save it for later viewing. They can also view and vote make-overs done and uploaded by other members.

This is an already running hugely popular flash-based web-application. We needed to create an iPhone client for the same, with all features available with Web App. With over 20,000 individual dress-up elements in the game, it was a challenging task to fit all of this on a mobile platform without any significant loss of quality and speed. Also, the architecture of iPhone application supports dynamically downloading additional dress-up elements from server when they are available. Player can also register/login to their accounts, save/upload the makeover, view and vote the makeovers participating in daily/weekly contests, all from their iPhone.

About our Client

Entertainment Company




iPhone SDK