Book Rental & Purchase Site

Executive Summary

The web application we developed for our client provides feature to buy, rent and sell books online. User can search for books by title, author or ISBN. They can check different price values for the same book from different vendors. They can see the recently sold books & featured books. The checkout part includes Authorize.Net integration for buying through credit card.

Functionalities include Page Top Book Search which means Buy/Rent search in Amazon (using Amazon API) and Sell search in local database for entered keywords. Then Book Details Page which deals with VerbaCompare and Book Renter API integrated to display price comparison for the searched book from different vendors.

Another functionality is the shopping cart module which provides feature to manage all added books in bookbag. User can login through existing Becks account or by Facebook. They can checkout items per vendor or can delete individual or all items from bookbag. The checkout page deals with a user who can use existing address or add a new address for shipping and/ or billing. Checkout is done through credit card using Authorize.Net integration in SSL.

About our Client

E-learning Company




ASP.Net 4.0, SQL server 2008,