Patient Portal Development Services

Patient Portal

Enabling patients to use custom applications to avail a wide range of services on-the-go such as appointments, triage, telehealth, and payments round-the-clock.

Solutions that are cloud-hosted and leverage the latest cutting-edge tech stacks to meet the evolving needs of the industry.


  • Custom Patient Portal Development
  • Custom Mobile App Development
  • Integration with
    • Single/Multiple & disprate EHRs
    • Devices (IoMT), Sensors, Wearables
    • Payment Gateways, Authorization checks
    • 3rd-party Tools, Software APIs, Portals
    • Healthcare systems: PMS, PHR, HIS, Billing etc.
  • Charts, Dashboards, Reports, Analytics
  • Migration to Cloud
  • Mobile-enable: Native, Hybrid, Cross-Platform
  • Telemedicine features
  • Migration & Modernization
  • Maintenance & Upgrade
  • Interoperability

Solutions we enable

  • Registration & Appointment scheduling
  • Patientā€Provider Communication
  • Access to Medical-records, Lab-results, Diseases-history, Allergies etc.
  • Prescription Management
  • Specialty Referrals
  • Electronic Payment
  • Patient Education & Engagement
  • Administrative Efficiency

Our Case Studies

Some of the exceptional ideas we made our clients bring to life.

Why Us?

  • Certified Programmers with Implementation expertise
  • Compliance to Standards: FHIR, HIPAA, DICOM, C-CDA, GDPR
  • Seamless and Secure data exchange
  • Comprehensive, Patient-focussed solution
  • Single repository with data pulled from multiple EHRs
  • 24×7 access to Information

Igniting Ideas

To Solutions

Mindfire has the tech expertise to serve the IT and digital needs of companies. Our services are aimed at enabling them to realize their business goals and outperform their competition.

By entrusting your Software Development needs to Mindfireā€™s Team, you leverage our vast experience in cutting-edge tech-stacks, platforms and industries.